
Code to track ship trajectories from AIS data, advect them with ERA5 winds using HYSPLIT, and collocate them to MODIS satellite data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code to track ship trajectories from AIS data, advect them with ERA5 winds using HYSPLIT, and collocate them to MODIS satellite data.

Data set production

Below are examples of which keywords the python scripts expect to run the analysis for the month of 01/2016. In order to run it, maps of emission locations are needed as well as a HYSPLIT installation, meteorological (e.g. ERA5) data, as well as MODIS cloud product data. The filepaths that need replacing on a different system are listed for each python script.
For an explanation of what each step does, see the headers of the scripts in /processing_pipeline.

Pipeline: python 0_modis_list.py 1 2016\

files in: MODIS files: /neodc/modis/data/MOD06_L2/collection61/
files out: MODIS that overlaps with Region of Interest
filepath0: /home/users/pete_nut/IV_shiptracks/modis_tiles/atlantic_modis_swaths_intersect_{}_{}.pkl

python 1_track_emissions.py 1 2016

files in: Emissions filepath1: /gws/nopw/j04/eo_shared_data_vol2/scratch/pete_nut/Emissions/'+year+'/SOx_*.nc
files out: tracked Emissions
filepath2: /gws/nopw/j04/eo_shared_data_vol2/scratch/pete_nut/emissions_tracked/{}/{}_{}

python 2_advect_tracks_hysplit.py 1 2016

files in: tracked Emissions filepath2: /gws/nopw/j04/eo_shared_data_vol2/scratch/pete_nut/emissions_tracked/{}/{}_{}
files out: hysplit-advected Emissions
filepath3: /gws/nopw/j04/eo_shared_data_vol1/satellite/.modistracks/hysplit_adv_20m_non_isob/{}_{}_{}_{}:{}
this script also requires a hysplit installation and meteorology files, as well as a setup file and an ASCFile:

os.system('mkdir -p '+outpath)
path_hysplit_code = '/home/users/pete_nut/hysplit.v5.0.0_CentOS/'
metpath = '/gws/nopw/j04/eo_shared_data_vol1/reanalysis/ARL_noaa/reanalysis_data/ERA5/'
setupFile = '/home/users/pete_nut/IV_shiptracks/matt_traj_code/SETUP_traj_lowcloud_15min.CFG'
ASCFile  = '/home/users/pete_nut/IV_shiptracks/matt_traj_code/ASCDATA_JASMIN.CFG'

python 3_interpolate_collocate_cfaw_hy.py 1 Terra 2016 nonull

files in:
tracked Emissions
hysplit-advected Emissions
MODIS tiles that overlap with Region of Interest

files out: monthly daily collocated MODIS and emissions
filepath4: /gws/nopw/j04/eo_shared_data_vol1/satellite/.modistracks/{}/ctt_aqua_{}{}.h5