calamari faucet

an aws lambda using the nodejs 18 runntime


this project was created like so:

mkdir calamari-faucet && cd calamari-faucet

curl -Lo ./.gitignore

git init
hub create Manta-Network/calamari-faucet

yarn add serverless serverless-offline --dev
# add '"type": "module"' to package.json

touch ./serverless.yml
# populate serverless.yml

touch ./handler.js
# populate handler.js

secrets and parameters

the serverless.yml contains lines like so:

  region: eu-central-1
          Resource: 'arn:aws:ssm:eu-central-1::parameter/calamari_faucet_*'
      db_readwrite: ${ssm:/calamari_faucet_db_readwrite}

which sets the aws deployment region to eu-central-1 and grants the lamda access to parameters beginning with calamari_faucet_. the lamda's dependencies should be in the same region as the lambda and may be configured at:, by creating parameters with names starting with calamari_faucet_. take care to set the type of the parameter to SecureString if it contains a secret. the configuration makes an environment variable named db_readwrite available to the lambda function and sets its value from the parameter store's calamari_faucet_db_readwrite value.


this project can be run locally like so:

serverless offline

or to specify a port other than the default (3000):

serverless offline --httpPort 3001


this project is deployed to aws like so:

serverless deploy

check the output of the above command to obtain the url(s) to deployed functions. eg:

$ serverless deploy
Running "serverless" from node_modules

Deploying calamari-faucet to stage prod (eu-central-1)

✔ Service deployed to stack calamari-faucet-prod (34s)

endpoint: GET -{babtAddress}/{kmaAddress}
  drip: calamari-faucet-prod-drip (114 kB)


deployment credentials

the serverless.yml contains a line like so:

  profile: manta-service

which is a reference to an aws credential set in an aws credential file which is by convention found at ${HOME}/.aws/credentials and contains a section like this:

aws_access_key_id = AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

the credentials required can be created at:${username}/create-access-key (replace ${username} with your actual username)