
There's a fishing tournament taking place in the city. In the tournament, there will be a total of (m) fishers. Each fisher has a name (fisher_name), and is one of the three categories (fisher_category) : newbie, amateur, professional.

After the tournament has concluded, each fisher announces the amount of fish he has caught No, the names of each fish (fish_name), and their respective weight (fish_weight).

The system must find the average weight of the fishes (fish_average_weight) for each of the fishermen, and also determine the biggest fish each fisherman has caught by weight (fish_biggest_weight).

Lastly the system must determine the winner by following this score formula: score = (fish_biggest_weight0.3 + fish_average_weight0.3 + n*0.3).

(Make input from .txt file to avoid having to input data each time)

*Determine what kind of fish was caught the most times (by name) *Make a list of top 3 fishermen (by score)

How to run?

python main.py


Main menu:


Add new participant:


Add fish to participant:



image image

Tournament results:
