Information Hiding using C#.Net

Steganography Application

It's much more difficult to decrypt a message if you don't know that there is a message.

Information Hiding is a branch of computer science that deals with concealing the existence of a message. It is related to cryptography whose intent is to render messages unreadable except by the intended recipients


• Took from the Greek word steganos meaning “covered” and the Greek word graphie meaning “writing”

• Steganography is the process of hiding of a secret message within an ordinary message and extracting it at its destination

• Anyone else viewing the message will fail to know it contains hidden/encrypted data


From a DLL File: stego.dll

using Steganography;


` if (!stegoFile.ToLower().EndsWith(".bmp"))stegoFile += ".bmp";


            // Open the cover
            ICoverFile cover = new BMPCoverFile(pic);

            // Create the stego file
            cover.CreateStegoFile(stegoFile, message, "password"); //<---- Here I'm hardcoding the password string
            //Thus making this application dependent.

            MessageBox.Show("Message hidden successfully", "Success :)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            Image stegoPic = new Bitmap(stegoFile);
            //FitPic(stegoPic, picStegoFileEnc);
            picStegoFileEnc.Image = new Bitmap(stegoPic);

        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show("Error : " + ex.Message, "Critical error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);





Loading the bmp files-

Pampa ds160.png

Encodein the image-

Pampa ds160.png

Success in Encoding-

Pampa ds160.png Pampa ds160.png

Decoding the bmp file-

Pampa ds160.png Pampa ds160.png