
A Java project using MySQL, Window Builder, and JDBC can be used to create a desktop application that interacts with a MySQL database. The Window Builder plugin for Eclipse can be used to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for the application.

Primary LanguageJava


Registration Form Java EE

A Java project using MySQL, Window Builder, and JDBC can be used to create a desktop application that interacts with a MySQL database. The Window Builder plugin for Eclipse can be used to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for the application.


  • Install the Window Builder plugin for Eclipse.
  • Create a new Java project in Eclipse.
  • Add the MySQL JDBC driver to the project’s classpath.
  • Create a new JFrame form using Window Builder.
  • Add the necessary components to the JFrame form, such as text fields, buttons, and labels.
  • Write the code to connect to the MySQL database using JDBC.
  • Write the code to perform database insertion Operations.
  • Run the application to test it.

Technology Used

  • Swing
  • Java
  • Jframe
  • JLabel
  • Java-EE
  • Java-GUI
  • JDBC

Environment Required

  • Eclipse IDE
  • Window Builder
  • MySql-Connector-Java


App Screenshot

App Screenshot