
Slides from "C++, QML, and static reflection" talk at Meeting C++ 2018

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Slides from "C++, QML, and static reflection" at Meeting C++ 2018


The talk tells the story of rewriting an exisiting application UI, from a web based stack with C++ backend to a pure C++ stack using QML for the frontend.

Meeting C++ 2018 talk description (Speaker bio here):

Qml is a declarative UI description language part of the Qt C++ framework for applications. Part of its QtQuick module, Qml brings reactive model-view-model UIs focused on cross-platform application development and touch-friendly mobile-like applications in particular. In this talk I will present how my team ported our old web based touch UI for our video ip solution "WM&IP" to a full C++ Qt stack using QML for the frontend. Also I will present how we used our own C++14 static reflection library "tinyrefl" to automate the creation and export of models to the Qml UI.


Slides are provided both as plain markdown and generated pdf. The slides were generated with marp

You can find the reflection library referenced in the slides, tinyrefl, here