
A course demo repository for a full manual angular setup

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This repository contains demo code related to an Angular introduction course given in September 2019 at the ESGI in Paris. It intends to demonstrate the manual configuration of a development environment suited to building a typescript SPA, i.e. an Angular app initialization.


Install dependencies

Dependending on your tool, either



npm install

Run development app

Dependending on your tool, either

yarn start


npm start

Then visit http://localhost:1337. To auto open the app in the default browser, add the --open option (npm start --open).

Run production app

Compile code

Dependending on your tool, either

yarn build


npm run build

Launch server

Dependending on your tool, either

yarn start:prod


npm run start:prod

Then visit http://localhost:3000


  • the ./dist folder contains all files outputed by the webpack production bundling (build npm script).
  • the ./node_modules/ folder contains all files downloaded each time a npm package has been added to the project.
  • the ./server folder contains all files needed by the 'production' server which serves the ./dist folder
  • the ./src folder contains all source files needed by webpack to build the app
  • .babelrc is the babel config file
  • .eslintrc is the eslint config file (javascript linting)
  • .gitignore defines the path that should ne be indexed by git
  • .prettierrc is the prettier config file (javascript and typescript formatting)
  • index.js is the entry file for the 'production' server, using esm to provide a nodejs usable ES2015 module
  • package-lock.json ensures that every install of the project's dependencies through npm uses the same versions
  • package.json is the root definition file for the whole project and lists scripts & dependencies
  • postcss.config.js is the postcss config file defining plugins used by the webpack postcss-loader to enrich the outputed css
  • tsconfig.json is the typescript config file ensuring the correct transpilation of the .ts source files
  • .tslint.json is the tslint config file (typescript linting)
  • webpack.config.js contains the production & development config for the webpack & webpack-dev-server commands to use
  • yarn.lock ensures that every install of the project's dependencies through yarn uses the same versions