
Topic:Rodin's Gates of Hell — A Linked Open Data(LOD) Project

Why The gates of Hell(French: La Porte de l'Enfer)

The Gates of Hell occupied a unique place in Rodin’s oeuvre. Working feverishly on this project for several years, he created over 200 figures and groups that formed a breeding ground for ideas which he drew on for the rest of his working life. Having hoped to exhibit his Gates at the 1889 Exposition Universelle, but probably too busy to finish them, the sculptor stopped working on them circa 1890.

He did, however, express his desire to complete them on several occasions. In 1900, he decided to finally unveil them at his first solo exhibition in Paris. But they were shown in a fragmentary state, since he had given up the idea of mounting the figures that stood out the most – the individual figures cast separately from the main structure – because he thought they produced too strong an effect of contrast with the background.

In 1907, The Gates almost saw the day in a luxury bronze and marble version to be erected in the Musée du Luxembourg, which housed works purchased by the French state from contemporary artists.

Not until 1917 did Léonce Bénédite, the Musée Rodin’s first curator, manage to persuade the sculptor to allow him to reconstruct his masterpiece in order to have it cast in bronze. Rodin died before seeing the result of all these long years of effort.

We have chosen to describe this sculpture kept him engaged for 37 years, making it one of those rare works in the history of art which encompass, in a literal sense, the creative lifespan of it maker. It can be seen as a source of multiple other works done by him and some have called it his Magnum Opus even though it was never finished during his lifetime. For these reasons, it is well suited to show the sculptor's creative process.

List of usable Items

  • Gates of Hell(sculpture)*
  • The Thinker(part of the gate) is the origin of the thinker sculpture
  • Paolo and Francesca(part of the gate)inspired the sculpture - The Kiss*
  • greed and lust(part of sculpture) refers to the two layer's in Dante's inferno*
  • Stone Carayatid(part of sculpture)made before the gate , but added later on — inspired by les Fleurs du mal
  • Gates of Heaven(sculpture done by Ghiberti for the baptistery in Florence)inspired the initial sketches of Gates of hell
  • Third Architectural Maquette for “The Gates of Hell”(coloured plaster maquette)*
  • Le Matin(newspaper - 19.3.1900)talks about Gates of Hell*
  • Auguste Rodin(Sculptor/Artist) Fill name — François Auguste René Rodin*
  • Camille Claudel(Sculptor/Rodin's lover-pupil)
  • Octave Mirbeau(writer/art critic)supported Rodin — need to find articles writte by him or letters exchanged between him and Rodin
  • Dante Aligheri(Author)
  • Charles Baudelaire(Writer/Poet)
  • Divine Comedy - Inferno(Epic poem)inspiration*
  • Les Fleurs du mal(collection of poems)inspiration
  • Ugolin and his children(sculpture)
  • Ugolin and his children(painting/draft)done by rodin during the preparation for the gates of hell
  • Modern Sculpture(art movement)*
  • Rodin: The Gates of Hell(1982 Documentary Film by Iris Cantor & David Saxton)*
  • Kōjirō Matsukata(bussinessman/art collector)Bought the maquette of the gates of hell and also paid for a cast in bronze but couldnt bring it to japan before world war 2
  • Fonderie Alexis Rudier in 1928(made the first bronze cast)
  • Hôtel Biron(place)he worked on Gates of Hell on the groundfloor of this hotel, this hotel later became Musee Rodin
  • The life and work of Auguste Rodin(Book by Lawton, Frederick)*
  • Rodin's Gates of Hell(Book by Elsen,Albert Edward 1927)
  • 12 November 1840(Date)Date of Rodin's birth
  • 17 November 1917 (aged 77)Date of Rodin's Death
  • 1880(year)The year in which the work was comissioned by the french governament for the museum of decorative arts
  • 1926-28(year)First bronze cast of the work — finished after Rodin's death, Not until 1917 did Léonce Bénédite, the Musée Rodin’s first curator, manage to persuade the sculptor to allow him to reconstruct his masterpiece in order to have it cast in bronze
  • Rodin's portraits (Stefano)

Work-flow for creating this LOD project.

Study of Domain

  • Finding suitable Items

Knowledge Organisation

  • Conceptual Map
  • Entity-relationship Model
  • Meta-data analysis
  • Meta-data alignment
  • Theoretical Model
  • Conceptual Model

Knowledge Representation

  • Description of data
  • RDF production
  • RDF visualisation

Alt text here

Resource Bibliography article about the sculpture) (for a high definition image of the work) in which he worked on Gates of Hell) (official website of the Rodin museum in Paris) (an article talking about the influence of Dante on Rodin) (art-history website about rodin) (Documentary film on IMDB) on Rodin and his works) maquette) maquette) of the ugoliono and his children) paper on Gates of hell as a self-portraiture) Rodin's portrait MoMa catalogue

Note for self":

We can use xceel-sheet to provide a description of out items according to our Conceptual Model.

There could be letters where he talks about the gates of hell or others writing to him about it, but I need help in finding them.