
This is a quick guide of how to implement your Matter Port SDK on a NextJS Application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Matterport on NextJS

This is a quick guide to implement Matterport in your Next.js project.
This project is built with Typescript, so we are going to maintain strict typing throughout the project

Matterport Typescript declarations

If you are using typescript then add Matterport declaration types could help you with intellisense and some errors.
Click here to visit a link and download its declaration types

After downloading the declaration you can add it in the root of your application:


If you are using the src directory:


App Router

First, we are going to add the 3D Showcase SDK in our web application

/app/layout.tsx or wherever you need it.

  import Script from 'next/script';
    <html lang='en'>
      <body className={inter.className}>{children}</body>
    <Script src='https://static.matterport.com/showcase-sdk/latest.js'/>

Then, we are going to create a client component and set-up everything to connect with our matterport sdk.

'use client';

import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { ShowcaseEmbedWindow } from '@/types/sdk';

const SDK_KEY = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MATTER_PORT_SDK ?? '';

export const MapFrame = () => {

  const [ matterWindow, setMatterWindow ] = useState<ShowcaseEmbedWindow>();
  const [ hasError, setHasError ] = useState<boolean>( false );
  const mapRef = useRef<HTMLIFrameElement>( null );

  useEffect(() => {
    setMatterWindow( window as ShowcaseEmbedWindow );
  }, [])
  useEffect(() => {

    const connectMatterport = async () => {

      // <--- Validates the HTML Object already exists --->
      if( !mapRef.current ) return;
      // <--- Validates if current window is already set --->
      if( !matterWindow?.MP_SDK ) return;

      try {
        await matterWindow.MP_SDK.connect(

      } catch ( error ) {
        console.error( error );
        setHasError( true );



  }, [ mapRef, matterWindow ])
  // <--- Feel free to add a validation here in case an error ocurred --->
  // <--- It can be done thanks to our local state hasError --->
  if( hasError ) return (<>Ups, someting went wrong...</>)

  return (
      ref={ mapRef }
      src={`https://my.matterport.com/show?m=SxQL3iGyoDo&play=1&applicationKey=${ SDK_KEY }`}
      allow='fullscreen; vr'
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%'


This component is located in app/_components/map-frame.tsx

Finally we are going to use our component in the server page we need it.

Pages Router

In your _app.tsx, you are going to add the 3D Showcase SDK, the same way we just did with App Router

_/pages/app.tsx or wherever you need it.

    <Component { ...pageProps } />
    <Script src='https://static.matterport.com/showcase-sdk/latest.js' />

Then, the Pages Router works differently from the App Router.
By default, everything inside the Pages Directory will be considered a client component,
so we can simply copy and paste the implementation we have made for the client component from the App Router


Check the full code on pages/map.tsx

And well, that's basically it. Now you have set up Matterport in your Next.js app!

Documentation links
