Coverage at 90.9%
Welcome to the „Animals Swift” interview project.
General information The idea of this task is to provide more details about your general coding skills. During the technical interview we would like to discuss your solution. We would like to respect your time, so please do not spend too much time on this task (2-4 hour should be sufficient to complete the exercise). Please complete the task within 7 days.
Implementation details In the jamfAnimalsOSXSwift directory, you can find the Xcode project. It is a basic project where a user can get some informations via API.
Use your best practices and make this app better. Please fill in this project in as much detail as possible.
Note: Consider your code as ready for production.
Warning Please don't post this exercise on any kind of public repository, such as github. It is for internal use only. Dispose of the code once the technical interview is finished.
Final words We would like to respect your time, so please do not spend too much time on this task.
Good luck and have fun!