
Missing color highlighting

JokaJukka opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey there!
I've noticed that in the preview materials, there is a visible color highlighting of mustache elements. However, mine seems rather missing/buggy:

Is this intended behavior? Using VSCode 1.80 on Arch Linux.

Thanks for clarification.

Hi @JokaJukka,

This extension has an html-based formatting option. However, it does not have a color highlighting feature.

This change may be due to another VSCode extension applied in your environment.

Hey, coming back to you.

As I've tested, when I install other extension with color highlighting (e.g. dawhite.mustache), and then enable your extension, the highlighting disappears and the code looks like the one above. It seems there is an interference between this extension and the highlighting one.

Hi @JokaJukka

Thank you very much for sharing this information, I will review it and make the appropriate changes so that there is no conflict between the two extensions.