Our webpage sscdelft.github.io

This is the webpage of the SIAM Student Chapter Delft. It uses the theme by Matt Graham and it's hosted on GitHub Pages.

For more information please visit http://sscdelft.github.io or write us an email: SIAMSC-EWI@tudelft.nl

Maintainers' guide

This site uses the jekyll templating engine. To build the site locally run

jekyll build


jekyll serve --watch

The latter spawns a webserver (serve) and rebuilds the site automatically when the source files have been modified (--watch). If you have installed jekyll via bundler, prefix the commands with bundle exec.


Pages containing a navigation attribute in the yaml are listed in the navigation bar. The order is based on the value of the navigation attribute.


News items live in the news/_posts/ directory. The file containing the news should be named YYYY-MM-DD-the-news-header.md where YYYY-DD-MM is today's date and the-news-header should be the, possibly shortened, title of the news item in using only alphanumeric characters and dashes. The yaml should contain layout: post and a title attribute. An example news item:

layout: post
title: example news item

news text

News items are automatically listed in news/ and the atom feed atom.xml.


  • News items should not be rewritten or renamed! Fixing typos is allowed though.

  • A news item related to an activity, see below, should link to the activity page. An example:

    layout: post
    title: Announcing An Event
    On DD MM the Student Chapter will organise [An Event]!
    [An Event]: {{ site.baseurl }}/activities/YYYY-MM-DD/an-event.html

Semi-automatically mailing news items

The python3 script mail-news can automatically send news items to all the members of the student chapter (based on the members repository). The html layout of the mail is located in _layouts/mail-news.html. The script requires that there are no local changes in the working tree or repository with respect to the main repository to make sure that the news items have been published and are not going to be changed.

Run the script without arguments in the root of the repository,


The script loops over all unset news items — a news item is sent if there is a file in the folder _sent_mail/ with the same name as the news item — asks your permission to send a mail and stores a file in the _sent_mail directory. Finally, the script commits the _sent_mail/ folder and asks you to manually push this commit to the main repository.

To test mailing news items run the script with extra arguments --test and your email address, e.g.

./mail-news --test your.email.address@some.domain

In the 'test' mode local changes in the working tree or repository are allowed, mail will be sent to the supplied address only, not to the members, and news items will not be marked as sent, i.e. the _sent_mail/ directory will not be updated.


Activities are exactly the same as news items, except they are located in activities/_posts/. An example:

layout: post
title: example activity

activity text

Add the yaml attribute discontinued: true when the activity has been discontinued:

layout: post
title: example activity
discontinued: true

activity text

Activities are listed in activities/, active activities on top, discontinued activities at the bottom, collapsed.


  • Choose a single, preferably short name for an activity and use this name consistently on the activity page and related news items. The activity page title should be given the name of the activity. Do not add a specific date or location in the title of the activity page.

  • Activities should not be removed. If activities are discontinued add discontinued: true to the yaml.



  • Reduce the quality of photos, either by downscaling or by lowering the jpeg encoding quality. Several hundred kilobytes per photo should be enough.

    To resize a set of photos to full HD resolution using imagemagick, use the following command:

    for f in *.jpg; do
        echo "$f"
        convert "$f" -resize '1920x1080>' -quality 80 -interlace Plane "$f"

    Note: The photos will be overwritten!

  • Place all photos of an event in a single directory, along with the thumbnails, see below.


You can use imagemagick to create thumbnails. For a single image use the following command:

f=photo.jpg convert "$f" -thumbnail 128x128^ -gravity center\
    -extent 128x128 -strip -interlace Plane -quality 80\
    `echo "$f" | sed 's/.[^.]\+$/-thumb.jpg/'`

Processing multiple files can be done as follows:

for f in *.jpg; do
    (echo "$f" | grep -vq '.*-thumb\.jpg$') &&
        echo "$f"
        convert "$f" -thumbnail 128x128^ -gravity center\
            -extent 128x128 -strip -interlace Plane -quality 80\
            `echo "$f" | sed 's/.[^.]\+$/-thumb.jpg/'`

Attaching media to posts (news, activities)

Add an attached_media attribute to the yaml of the post with a list of images. Each item should be a disctionary with the following keys: url, type and thumb. Currently the only supported type is image. The thumb should point to a square thumbnail, preferably of 128 pixels, using a low quality jpeg encoding. An example:

layout: post
title: example post
  - url: "{{ site.baseurl }}/images/YYYY-MM-DD-event/0000.jpg"
    type: image
    thumb: "{{ site.baseurl }}/images/YYYY-MM-DD-event/0000-thumb.jpg"
  - url: "{{ site.baseurl }}/images/YYYY-MM-DD-event/0001.jpg"
    type: image
    thumb: "{{ site.baseurl }}/images/YYYY-MM-DD-event/0001-thumb.jpg"
  - url: "{{ site.baseurl }}/images/YYYY-MM-DD-event/0002.jpg"
    type: image
    thumb: "{{ site.baseurl }}/images/YYYY-MM-DD-event/0002-thumb.jpg"

news text