
latex class for TU Delft posters

Primary LanguageLua


A latex class for TU Delft posters.



This document class requires the following latex packages:

  • geometry,
  • xcolor,
  • graphicx,
  • tikz (with libraries calc and fadings),
  • etoolbox,
  • multicol and
  • caption.

In Debian Wheezy, installing texlive-latex-extra is sufficient.


You can obtain all necessary files by running

git clone https://github.com/joostvanzwieten/tudelft-poster.git

Use the install python script to install the document class and additional files in a texmf tree. For example, run

./install --home

from within the tudelft-poster directory to install in your TEXMFHOME directory. For other installation options, run install without arguments.


Begin your latex document with the line



In the preamble, i.e. the code before \begin{document}, you must specify the title of the poster with the following command:


A subtitle is not supported.

Authors must be added one by one using the command \addauthor:


Optionally, you can attach one or more notes to this author be specifying a comma-separated list of labels (LABEL1,LABEL2,...) pointing to notes defined by the command \addauthornote:


This command defines footnotes in the header, which can be used to specify affiliations or email addresses. The argument LABEL should be a unique label pointing to this note. The optional argument MARK can be used to change the default symbol of this note to MARK.

The style of the title, authors and author notes are defined in the commands

  • \tudstyleheadtitle,
  • \tudstyleheadauthors and
  • \tudstyleheadauthornotes.

You can redefine the styles in the preamble using \renewcommand. For example:



The following commands are available in the preamble to add logos and text to the footer:



\addfootqrcode(ALIGNMENT:POSITION){QRMESSAGE}        % requires lualatex!
\addfootqrcode(ALIGNMENT:POSITION)[TEXT]{QRMESSAGE}  % requires lualatex!


The argument POSITION specifies the position of the object. There are several predefined positions:

  • page.center,
  • page.left,
  • page.right,
  • left column.center,
  • left column.left,
  • left column.right,
  • right column.center,
  • right column.left and
  • right column.right.

You can also specify a length. The argument ALIGNMENT controls the alignment with respect to POSITION and must be one of

  • l (align left),
  • c (align centre) or
  • r (align right).

In the command \addfootimage the argument FILENAME should refer to an image. The image will be resized to fit the height of the image bar. If the optional argument TEXT is given, this will be placed underneath the image using the same position and alignment as the image.

The command \addfootobject can be used to place any object defined by CODE in the image bar. The object will be resized to fit the height of the image bar. The starred version does not resize the object.

The command \addfootqrcode generates a QR code containing QRMESSAGE, usually a URL. This command only works when you compile the document with lualatex instead of e.g. pdflatex.

The command \addfoottext places TEXT on the text bar.

Note that the TU Delft logo is not automatically added. See the example below how to add the logo.

Document body

The class inherits the article class, hence supports all the commands and environments defined there.

The default font is Latin Modern, a font based on Computer Modern Roman. The default font family is sans serif. If you want to change the default family to e.g. serif, add the following line to the preamble:


The style of sections, the title, authors and author notes are defined in the command \tudstylesection. You can redefine the styles in the preamble using \renewcommand. For example:


Tikz body

Alternatively, you can design the poster body completely using tikz. Just create a tikzpicture environment and start drawing. This class provides a special tikz node body which defines the drawable area. The following example draws a rectangle indicating the drawable area.

% preamble ...
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \draw (body.south west) rectangle (body.north east);

You can use the preamble from the example below.



\title{The title}

\addauthor[mail One,A]{Author One}
\addauthor[A,B]{Author Two}

\addauthornote{mail One}[@]{\ttfamily author.one@tudelft.nl}
\addauthornote{A}{Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}
\addauthornote{B}{Some other institute}

\addfootimage(c:right column.center)[DIAM, TU Delft]{tudelft}
% NOTE: the following line is only supported when compiling with lualatex
\addfootqrcode(l:left column.left)[web page]{http://ta.twi.tudelft.nl}
