
Scripts made for:

  • Python-Dymola model simulation
  • Python-OpenModeling model simulation
  • OpenIPSL element Dymola model verification:
    • Simulate the Machine model examples and create .csv files with selected parameter for verification.
    • Simulate the Exciter model examples and create .csv files with selected parameter for verification.
  • All of the result files will be found in .../WorkingDir/ElementType/ElementName/Element.csv

How to run:

Assuming an Ubuntu computer is being used and the script is being run:

  1. Change the dymola interface location: dymola = DymolaInterface("/YOUR_DYMOLA_LOCATION/")
  2. Open the OpenIPSL library. dymola.openModel("YOUR_OpenIPLS_LOCATION/OpenIPSL/")
  3. Make sure that the generator names are set correctly:
    • Find the examples within OpenIPSL at: OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.ES...
    • Go through each of the generators in each example and change the name.
    • If the generator is 'GENROU' then change to 'gENROU'.
    • If the generator is 'GENROE' then change to 'gENROE'.
  4. Change the dymola simulation location:"/YOUR_WORKINGDIR_LOCATION/Dymola/Exciters/" + exciterName)
  5. Change the result path location: resultPath = f"/YOUR_WORKIGNDIR_LOCATION/Dymola/Exciters/{exciterName}/" + exciterName
  6. Cahnge the simulation .mat result location: sim = SimRes(f"/YOUR_WORKINGDIR_LOCATION/Dymola/Exciters/{exciterName}/{exciterName}.mat"
  7. Change the current directory location: os.chdir(f"/YOUR_WOKRKIGDIR_LOCATION/Dymola/Exciters/{exciterName}/")
  8. Do this for the second section.
  9. Open terminal and enter cd /YOUR_REPOSITORY_LOCATION/Scripts/
  10. Type: python


  • These scripts were done suing Dymola 2020 and OpenModelica 1.13.0.
  • These scritpts are made for the latest release of the OpenIPSL library found at: .
  • Make sure that you change the file location to the ones of your computer.
  • These scripts will only work using Ubuntu, if Windows is needed you need to change the structure of the files and the dymola installation location.
  • It is easier to debug and change file directory using Jupyter Notebook and its files (.ipynb).
  • To use the code just run the .py scripts.
  • The results(for the ESAC1 exciter) (.csv files) will appear under: .../WorkingDir/Exciters/ESAC1/