
Myo bluetooth library for Node.JS using Noble

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MYO Bluetooth communication library

A bluetooth communication library for the myo armband, using Node and Noble and written in Javascript. It doesn't require the Myo Connect software or the Myo SDK, but communicates directly over bluetooth by using the released bluetooth spec.

For a demo build with this library, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R19rKXpttjY The demo application will be published later.


This library uses Noble v0.3.8, which currently only supports Mac OS X and Linux. Checkout Noble to find out it's prerequisites and installation guidance.

I have not yet published this repository on npm, but will do eventually. Install via npm:

npm install git://github.com/manueloverdijk/myonodebluetooth.git

As the project is written with some of the new javascript features of ES6, compile the project with traceur or use io.js with the following flags:

--use_strict --es_staging --harmony_classes --harmony_arrow_functions


The following is an example which starts discovering myo armbands and connects to the first available armband. Wait for the ready event after calling initStart() before reading and writing to characteristics of the Myo.

var MyoBluetooth  = require('MyoNodeBluetooth');
var MyoAgent = new MyoBluetooth();

MyoAgent.on('discovered', function(armband){
    armband.on('connect', function(connected){
    	// armband connected succesfully
            // discover all services/characteristics and enable emg/imu/classifier chars
    	} else {
    	  // armband disconnected

    // Armband receives the ready event when all services/characteristics are discovered and emg/imu/classifier mode is enabled
    armband.on('ready', function(){
    	// register for events
        	console.log('BatteryInfo: ', data.batteryLevel);
        // read or write data from/to the Myo

Supported features


Get notified of newly discovered Myo armbands.

Agent.on('discovered', function(armband){

Get notified of bluetooth adapter state changes, see Noble for more information.

Agent.on('stateChange', function(state){


Discover all services/characteristics and enable the EMG, IMU and Classifier Characteristics to notify/indicate the communicator of new events. The Myo will also be set in no sleep mode and unlocked until disconnection.


Wait for the ready event after calling initStart(), after which the Myo is ready to read/write and notify characteristics.

Armband.on('ready', function(){

Reading characteristics

EMG data

Get notified of EMG data (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

data = {
	sample1: Array[8],
	sample2: Array[8]
Armband.on('emg', function(data){

Orientation data

Get notified of orientation data (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

data = {
	w, x, y, z
Armband.on('orientation', function(data){
Accelerometer data

Get notified of accelerometer data (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

//data = Array[3]
Armband.on('accelerometer', function(data){
Gyroscope data

Get notified of gyroscope data (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

//data = Array[3]
Armband.on('gyroscope', function(data){
Pose events

Get notified of pose events (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

/* data = {
	type: rest | fist | waveIn | waveOut | spread | tap | unkown
} */
Armband.on('pose', function(data){
Sync events

Get notified of sync events (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

// Synced true | false | failed
Armband.on('sync', function(Boolean){
Unlock events

Get notified of unlock events (which the Myo sends after calling initStart())

// Unlocked true | false
Armband.on('unlocked', function(Boolean){
Read info

Read the Myo info characteristic

Armband.on('info', function(data){
Read version

Read the Myo version characteristic

Armband.on('version', function(data){
Read batteryInfo

Read the Myo batteryinfo characteristic

// data: { batteryLevel }
Armband.on('batteryInfo', function(data){

Writing characteristics

Listen for the command event after executing a write command to the Myo to be notified on results/success

// data = {type, data} 
Armband.on('command', function(data){

Set the sleep mode

Armband.setSleepMode(Boolean); // Never sleep: true | false

Set the unlock mode

// mode:   0 -> unlock now and relock after lock command is recieved
//         1 -> re-lock immediatly
//         2 ->  unlock now and relock after a fixed timeout


Set the user action mode, to notify the user that an action has been recognized / confirmed.


Set the IMU/EMG/Classifier modes to notify/indicate the communicator for data events


Set the vibrate command

// mode:   0 -> Do not vibrate.
//         1 -> Vibrate for a short amount of time
//         2 -> Vibrate for a medium amount of time
//		   3 -> Vibrate for a long amount of time



  • Normalize the gyroscope/accelerometer data, calculate Euler Angles
  • Implement extended vibrate command
  • Refactor initStart service/characteristic discovery
  • Refactor some functions of the deserialisation class
  • Fix the unresponsive-classifier state which Myo enters after unsyncing while emitting Classifier events over Bluetooth