Hive Object Converter

The hive object converter will convert your plain class into a hive object with annotation. Note, that it is important to only have one class in that file.


class MyComplexTodo {
  String title;
  bool done;
  String assignee;
  Color color;
  List<String> field1;
  Map<String, dynamic> field2;

will be converted to

import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:example_project/hive_helper/hive_types.dart';
import 'package:example_project/hive_helper/hive_adapters.dart';
import 'package:example_project/hive_helper/fields/my_complex_todo_fields.dart';

part 'todo.model.g.dart';

@HiveType(typeId: HiveTypes.myComplexTodo, adapterName: HiveAdapters.myComplexTodo)
class MyComplexTodo extends HiveObject {
  String title;
  bool done;
  String assignee;
  Color color;
  List<String> field1;
  Map<String, dynamic> field2;

How to use it

This extension allows right click on a dart file or a folder containing dart files and then choose between three options.

  1. [Hive] Convert To Hive
  2. [Hive] Get Hive Generated Files
  3. [Hive] Convert *.model.dart in folder to Hive

The 1. will convert the class like in the example above. The 2. command will start the build run command, to generate the *.g.dart file. The 3. command will appear, when right click on a folder.

The extension will create subfolder hive_helper to store all the hive helpers:

  1. Register the hive adapter
  2. Specify the hive type of the annotated class
  3. Specify the hive adapter name
  4. creates a folder for the fields of the annotated class.


There are several settings, that can be modified:

  1. useExtendsHiveObject [boolean]: If MyClassName class should extends the HiveObject or not.

  2. hiveObjectImportPath [string]: The import path of the HiveObject. Defaults to import 'package:hive/hive.dart';. Specify different location, if the MyClassName should extend a modified version of the HiveObject.

  3. customHiveObjectName [string]: Specify the name of the modified version of the HiveObject. It defaults to HiveObject

** Only in the context: when right click on the folder **

  1. useOnlyEnhancedFile [boolean] This is very useful to only use files with an specified filename enhancement. For example. if set to true, the extension will only convert files with the extension .model. like in my_class_name.model.dart and will skip all other files.

  2. useEnhancedFileName [string] Specify the file enhancement. It defaults to .model.. If the setting useOnlyEnhancedFile is set to true, the file enhancement, that is specified here, will be used by the extension.


Path related issues on windows machines, seems to be resolved.