
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ballerina Kubernetes Extension

Annotation based kubernetes extension implementation for ballerina.

Build Status Travis (.org) License


  • Kubernetes deployment support.
  • Kubernetes service support.
  • Kubernetes liveness probe support
  • Kubernetes ingress support.
  • Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler support.
  • Docker image generation.
  • Docker push support with remote docker registry.
  • Kubernetes secret support.
  • Kubernetes config map support.
  • Kubernetes persistent volume claim support.
  • Kubernetes resource quotas.
  • Istio gateways.
  • Istio virtual services.

Refer samples for more info.

Supported Annotations:


  • Supported with ballerina services or listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the deployment <outputfilename>-deployment
namespace Namespace of the deployment null
labels Labels for deployment "app: <outputfilename>"
annotations Annotations for deployment {}
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
replicas Number of replicas 1
dependsOn Listeners this deployment Depends on null
enableLiveness Enable or disable liveness probe false
initialDelaySeconds Initial delay in seconds before performing the first probe 10s
periodSeconds Liveness probe interval 5s
livenessPort Port which the Liveness probe check <ServicePort>
imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
image Docker image with tag :latest
env List of environment variables null
buildImage Building docker image true
copyFiles Copy external files for Docker image null
dockerHost Docker host IP and docker PORT.(e.g "tcp://") null
dockerCertPath Docker cert path null
push Push docker image to registry. This can only be true if image build is true. false
username Username for the docker registry null
password Password for the docker registry null
baseImage Base image to create the docker image ballerina/ballerina-runtime:latest
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets value null
singleYAML Generate a single yaml file for all k8s resources true


  • Supported with ballerina listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the Service <ballerina service name>-service
labels Labels for service "app: <outputfilename>"
serviceType Service type of the service ClusterIP
port Service port Port of the ballerina service


  • Supported with ballerina listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the Ingress <ballerina service name>-ingress
labels Labels for service "app: <outputfilename>"
hostname Host name of the ingress <ballerina service name>.com
annotations Map of additional annotations null
path Resource path. /
targetPath This will use for URL rewrite. null
ingressClass Ingress class nginx
enableTLS Enable ingress TLS false


  • Supported with ballerina services.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler <ballerina service name>-hpa
labels Labels for service "app: <outputfilename>"
minReplicas Minimum number of replicas No of replicas in deployment
maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas minReplicas+1
cpuPrecentage CPU percentage to start scaling 50


  • Supported with ballerina service.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name secret mount <service_name>-secret
mountPath Path to mount on container null
readOnly Is mount read only true
data Paths to data files null


  • Supported with ballerina services.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name config map mount <service_name>-config-map
mountPath Path to mount on container null
readOnly Is mount read only true
ballerinaConf Ballerina conf file location null
data Paths to data files null


  • Supported with ballerina services.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name secret mount null
annotations Metadata Annotations map null
mountPath Path to mount on container null
readOnly Is mount read only false
accessMode Access mode ReadWriteOnce
volumeClaimSize Size of the volume claim null


  • Supported with ballerina main function.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the job <output file name>-job
namespace Namespace for the Job default
labels Labels for job "app: <outputfilename>"
restartPolicy Restart policy Never
backoffLimit Backoff limit 3
activeDeadlineSeconds Active deadline seconds 20
schedule Schedule for cron jobs none
imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
image Docker image with tag <output file name>:latest
env List of environment variables null
buildImage Building docker image true
dockerHost Docker host IP and docker PORT.(e.g "tcp://") null
dockerCertPath Docker cert path null
push Push docker image to registry. This can only be true if image build is true. false
username Username for the docker registry null
password Password for the docker registry null
baseImage Base image to create the docker image ballerina/ballerina-runtime:latest


  • Support with ballerina services, listeners and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the resource quota <output file name>_resource_quota
labels Labels for resource quota "app: <outputfilename>"
hard Hard rules {}
scopes scopes to which the resource quota will be applied to []

How to build

  1. Download and install JDK 8 or later
  2. Install Docker
  3. Get a clone or download the source from this repository (https://github.com/ballerinax/kubernetes)
  4. Run the Maven command mvn clean install from within the kubernetes directory.

Annotation Usage Sample:

import ballerina/http;
import ballerinax/kubernetes;

listener http:Listener helloEP = new(9090);

@http:ServiceConfig {
service helloWorld on helloEP {
    resource functino sayHello (http:Caller outboundEP, http:Request request) {
        http:Response response = new;
        response.setTextPayload("Hello, World from service helloWorld ! ");
        _ = outboundEP -> respond(response);

The kubernetes artifacts will be created in following structure.

├── deployment.yaml
├── ingress.yaml
├── secret.yaml
├── config_map.yaml
├── volume_claim.yaml
├── svc.yaml
└── docker
 └── Dockerfile