This project as the name suggest, is an Rails application built based on Chris O. course from his youtube channel GoRails ( I started watching those videos and realize how amazing the Simple Calendar was, then I though: I need to follow Chris's lessons and learn more fo the Rails world.

As his mention in one of the videos of the playlist, he was building one gem packet to turn the labor of doing one web calendar simple as including "gem SimpleCalendar" in the Gemfile and instantiate one calendar into your application. Rails will render the calendar and manage its features for you.

I dont know yet if what I am saying here is the correct way to say this things, but I still learning and I came from a complete low level world. I used to make projects of the hardware and firmware of devices with limited momory, then, sorry if I commit some mistake. Whatever correction of my mistakes are welcome and wil be appreciated. My email is

The same is true as I mention in the RailsBlog repo. This application/project is for my learning pusposes only and it will be left as is until I know what to do with this amazing code.

Thanks Chris and thank you all that put your knowledge open to everyone!

  • Rails version: 7.1.1

  • Ruby version: 3.2.2