
The tool we all occasionally need.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


"Greetings und willkommen." ~ Manwholikespie, fulfilling his per-repo greeting quota.

What is this?

It's a way to bulk download torrent files that match a given query on certain public anime trackers (currently only Nyaa is implemented).

How do I use it?

  1. Install elixir: $ brew install elixir
  2. Download this code, and navigate to its directory: $ git clone <url>; cd animedl
  3. Run its mix task: $ mix get 'this is my query'
  4. See downloaded files in files/
  5. Drag and drop those into your favorite downloader (Transmission is nice) or pester me into writing an Elixir wrapper for aria2.

Any fine print?

  1. I originally had 16 download workers, but I think Nyaa has a max connections limit, so it's 4 now. This can be adjusted in config/config.exs.
  2. Because I wrote this program for my own use primarily, I have it hardcoded to filter to the "English-translated" category. If you were wanting to use this to find lossless music or other such categories on Nyaa, you'll have to edit url/1 in Animedl.Backends.Nyaa. Or, again, pester me into changing it.

What was your inspiration?

MacOS decided to break my OpenSSL dylibs for the third time in two weeks, and I figured it would be easier to rewrite my python Nyaa downloader in elixir than fix those libraries again. I probably just needed to reinstall requests and have it find the new libraries, but whatever.