This repository contains several sets of many-body codes developed by Morten Hjorth-Jensen and collaborators. The codes follow the GNU GPL v.3 public license settings.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

CENS=Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure

This repository contains several sets of many-body codes developed by Morten Hjorth-Jensen and collaborators. The codes amount to several man-years of labor and are made available under the GNU GPL v.3 public license settings. Read carefully the license instructions at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/ManybodyCodes/blob/master/LICENSE and do respect them. When using the codes included in this library, please cite the github link and the publications and authors listed under the various codes.

Presently this library contains

  • Full configuration interaction theory codes, both serial and parallel ones. Cite as:
    T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen, the Oslo-FCI code, with link to the github address https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/ManybodyCodes/

  • Many-body perturbation theory codes. Cite as: M. Hjorth-Jensen, T.T.S. Kuo, and E. Osnes, Physics Reports 261, 125 (1995) including the above github address. These codes include codes to renormalize nucleon-nucleon forces (with several interaction models) and codes to produce effective interactions for a given model space based on many-body perturbation theory. How to use these codes is described in the tutorials found here.

  • Codes for fitting polynomials and performing calculations of properties of neutrons stars or white dwarf stars. Cite as: H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen, Physics Reports 328, 237 (2000), with link to the github address https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/ManybodyCodes/