Portofino 5 is the next generation of the open-source low-code web framework Portofino. Its purpose is to help developers create modern, responsive enterprise applications with REST APIs and an Angular UI.
- albertodepaola
- Angelo-LupoManyDesigns srl
- ansarbekAlmaty
- bukodiBudapest, Hungary
- carlobonamico
- ckaminskiMassachusetts
- cookaKUKA Digital
- Ema90Manydesigns
- EricHeChina
- fthiellaItaly, Singapore
- fysoft2006
- geekchengchina shanghai
- granatella
- hongliangpanbeijing
- illlust
- jackkd
- jbeetle
- junitChangsha xiaoyu technology co., LTD.
- JusticeN
- kalatchevSKYWARE Group
- kn9
- maxim0r
- mbettiolItaly
- mcmcghee@TaxSlayer
- mohamedhagagHajjaj.Pro
- muhfredGermany
- nagpach
- pedemonteItaly
- pevans1986
- rcdosadopuerto princesa city, palawan
- rogeriomarques
- saschamerz
- schiluka
- shanyangqu
- smrjansTalentica
- Vad1mo@container-registry