

Primary LanguageShell

ManzDev dotfiles

Script to prepare your GNU/Linux terminal (WSL also) in a «superterminal» with modern, autocompleted commands and other features.


  • Shell: ZSH + OH-MY-ZSH + Agnoster theme
  • Plugins: Zgen plugin manager + History & Red/green completion commands
  • Essentials tools: wget + git + make + cmake + g++
  • CLI Editors: vim + nano + micro
  • CLI tools: ccze + jq + nnn
  • API/Request tools: curl + http + googler + ddgr
  • Help/Info: man + tldr + neofetch
  • Fun: sl + lolcat + wipeclean + cmatrix
  • Compressors/conversors: unzip + zip + bzip2 + p7zip + svgo + ttf2woff + woff2 + ffmpeg
  • Language + Package Managers: Go + Rust + Deno + Node/NVM/PNPM
  • Containers: Docker
Modern commands
bat (cat)
exa (ls, tree)
glow (cat .md)
jless (cat .json)
catimg (image cat)
duf (df)
ncdu (du)
zoxide (cd)
htop (top)
icdiff (diff)
zellij (tmux)
hyperfine (time)


git clone https://github.com/manzdev/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
bash install.sh
  • Note: Do not run as root/sudo this file!


If you haven't a non-root user with sudo privileges, create it before run this script:

adduser manz --quiet
usermod -aG sudo manz
apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y sudo git
su manz

More info

Modern commands