2023 © MaoHuPi
Use almost the same way to express things, but this library makes it substantive.
import {the, Something, Ordinal, State, Pronoun, Timeline, StateValuePair, thingsInit} from './talkin.mjs';
Personal Pronoun
const I = new Pronoun(new Ordinal(1));
Indefinite Article
const I = new Pronoun(new Ordinal(1)); let Dog = thingsInit(class Dog extends Something {}); I.am(Dog); console.log("Am 'I' a 'Dog'?", I._am(Dog)); // true
Definite Article
const I = new Pronoun(new Ordinal(1)); let Cat = thingsInit(class Cat extends Something {}); let the_cat = the(Cat); console.log("Is 'the_cat' a 'Cat'?", the_cat._belongs(Cat)); // true I.am(the_cat); console.log("Am 'I' 'the_cat'?", I._am(the_cat)); // true console.log("Am 'I' a 'Cat'?", I._am(Cat)); // true console.log("Is 'the_cat' 'I'?", the_cat._belongs(I)); // true
const I = new Pronoun(new Ordinal(1)); let first = new Ordinal(1); I.am(the(first)); // the(first) === first console.log("Am 'I' the 'first'?", I._am(first)); // true console.log("Is 'first' 'I'?", first._belongs(I)); // true let anotherFirst = new Ordinal(1); console.log("Is 'anotherFirst' 'I'?", anotherFirst._belongs(I)); // true console.log("Am 'I' 'Ordinal'?", I._am(Ordinal)); // true, but must be false
Feeling and State
const I = new Pronoun(new Ordinal(1)); const hour = 1; function very(state){ return new StateValuePair(state, 1.2); } function quite(state){ return new StateValuePair(state, 0.1); } let world = new Timeline(); let satiety = new State(); let hungry = new State(function(deltaVelue){ this.set(satiety, this.get(satiety) - deltaVelue); }); world.push(I); I.am(very(satiety)); I.am(quite(hungry)); console.log("Before '10 hour', 'satiety':", I.how(satiety)); // 1.2 world.pass(10*hour, hour); console.log("After '10 hour', 'satiety':", I.how(satiety)); // 1.20000000000000004 console.log("Am 'I' 'hungry'?", I._am(hungry)); // true ```