
Localify "ウマ娘: Pretty Derby" DMM client

Primary LanguageC++


赛马娘 (DMM版) 本地化补丁


  1. version.dllconfig.json 以及 config.json 中引用的字典放置于 umamusume.exe 边上
  2. 启动游戏


  • enableConsole 启用用来输出调试信息的控制台 (true/false)
  • enableLogger 将未覆盖的文本输出到 dump.txt (true/false)
  • dumpStaticEntries 需要上一条启用, 在游戏启动时将游戏内硬编码的文本条目输出到 dump.txt
  • maxFps 帧率限制 (-1 = 游戏原版/0 = 无限/>0 = 锁定到特定帧数)
    • 注: 垂直同步已开启
  • unlockSize 允许游戏使用1080p以上的分辨率 (true/false)
  • uiScale 自定义UI缩放
  • replaceFont 将所有字体替换为默认字体, 解决缺字问题 (true/false)
  • autoFullscreen 在屏幕比例对应时自动设置为全屏 (true/false)
    • 如屏幕是16:9 并且横屏,将会在横屏播放剧情/live时全屏
    • 如屏幕是9:16,将会在绝大多数情况下全屏
  • dicts 将会读取的字典列表 (相对/绝对路径)


  • 有时候加载 yaml 时会卡住,原因不明 换成了rapidjson, 再见了您内


  • 文本条目:
    • 位于 resources/original_data
    • 请在汉化完条目之后将其移动到localized_data内并提交 Pull Reqeust
    • 如要添加新条目,请先将config.json 内的 enableLogger 设置为 true 之后启动游戏
      • 随后未覆盖的文本会出现在 dump.txt
  • 代码
    • 想必各位都是老司机了


Uma Musume: Pretty Derby localify patch


  1. Put version.dll, config.json and the dicts referenced by config.json near the umamusume.exe.
  2. Launch the game


  • enableConsole Enable the console for printing debug infomations (true/false)
  • enableLogger Output uncovered text entries into dump.txt (true/false)
  • dumpStaticEntries Requires ^, Dump hardcoded text entries into dump.txt
  • maxFps Max fps limit (-1 = Unmodified/0 = Unlimited/>0 = Lock to #fps)
    • Note: VSync is enabled
  • unlockSize Allow game to use resolutions that bigger than 1080p (true/false)
  • uiScale Custom UI scale
  • replaceFont Replace all font to default font, solves missing word issue (true/false)
  • autoFullscreen The game will be fullscreen if screen aspect ratio is correct (true/false)
    • If screen aspect ratio is 16:9, the game will be fullscreen when playing story/live with landscape.
    • If screen aspect ratio is 9:16, the game will be fullscreen in most case.
  • dicts A list of dicts that read by this (Path)

Known issue

  • None