
Primary LanguagePython


Get your 2FA token, run the script and paste it anywhere!


Only python>=3.6 is required.


1. Setup your token

Create a file named .secret and write your encoded token in it.

import base64
key = base64.encodebytes('your_token_here'.encode('utf8'))
with open('.secret', 'w') as f:

Copy the above outputs to .secret

--- OR ---

Just do this in one line!

echo your_token_here | python3 -m base64 -e > .secret

2. Run this script when you need

Then the 2FA token will be write to the clipboard

python mintotp.py
# or:
# python mintotp.py --verbose

Tips for windows users

It's recommended to use PowerToys Run of PowerToys or any other starters to quickly run the script.

There is a batch file for you: .\mintotp.bat. Create a shortcut for it in the start menu or on the desktop, then starters can find it.

3. Now you can paste


Q1: I run the script but nothing happens


Please make sure you have python command available in your terminal.

If you are using conda, since cmd will not activate the environment before running batch file, you may need to install another python in your system.

You can check your python by running in your cmd:

conda deactivate
python --version

Please make sure the version is greater than 3.6