
Scripts to generate MapServer mapfiles based on OpenStreetMap data. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.

Primary LanguagePython

MapServer OSM basemaps

  • This package uses a Python script and the C preprocessor to build a complete MapServer mapfile from a set of templates and styling information, for OpenStreetMap data.

  • Please perform all pull requests into the main branch, and inside the pull request mention which branch to backport the changes to; one of the repository managers will then apply the corresponding label, to magically backport to that branch.

    • use branch main for all pull requests
    • other branches to possibly backport to include:
      • mapserver-7.6
      • branch-6-2
  • The build process uses the gcc preprocessor extensively, you should have it installed on your system. On linux, check that the cpp command is present. On OSX, the provided cpp program is a shell wrapper that is not suitable: the Makefile is coded to call cpp-4.2, which you can change in case you have another version installed.

  • The mapfiles rely on the database schema as created by a recent version of imposm. Until recently imposm did not create the landusages_gen and waterareas_gen tables. Since 2.3.0 this is not the case anymore. If you do not have the generalized tables, you can change the landusage_data and waterareas_data entries in generate_style.py so that it queries the non-generalized tables on the lower zoom levels (this will be slower for the lower zoom levels).

  • The generated mapfile can also be made to query an osm database created with osm2pgsql rather than imposm. This setup is not recommended as it will be much slower. To use the osm2pgsql schema, you should add the osm2pgsql entry to the list of styles for an entry of style_aliases near the end of generate_style.py, e.g: "bingosm2pgsql":"default,outlined,bing,osm2pgsql" then run make STYLE=bingosm2pgsql to create the osm-bingosm2pgsql.map

  • Most configuration and tweaks should be done in generate_style.py. Documentation as to how to edit can be found at https://mapserver.org/basemaps/style.html.

  • Windows users can follow the steps at https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/wiki/RenderingOsmDataWindows

Docker installation

After installing docker and docker compose, run the following command (port 80 should not be already used in your local system):

docker compose up -d

Then use your browser to go to:
