
GeoNode's GeoServer Extensions

Primary LanguageJava

building geoserver 2.6 for MapStory

Do run the tests when appropriate:

use the build/build.sh script to build the gs with the proper dependancies. You should rebase custome commits to geoserver and geotools on top of latest 2.6.x and 12.x branches correspondingly.


GeoNode extends GeoServer with certain JSON, REST, and security capabilities.


GeoServer delegates authentication and authorization to GeoNode.

When the GeoServer plugin sees a request, it attempts to authorize with GeoNode:

  • If the request has a valid sessionid cookie (this links to a user in GeoNode), GeoNode looks up the user's permissions and replies.

  • If there are HTTP credentials in the request (via the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header) and they match those configured in the OGC_SETTINGS, GeoNode replies that this user is a super-user.

  • Uploads is a special case: here, GeoNode makes the original request using the OGC_SETTINGS credentials.



.. todo:: Document GeoServer GeoJSON extensions



.. todo:: Document GeoServer REST extensions