
Deep learning training template

Primary LanguagePython

🌴 dl-schema

A deep learning training template constructed as a minimal working MNIST example. Utilizes dataclasses as flexible train configs and mlflow for analytics and artifact logging.


# create `schema` conda environment
conda create -n schema python=3.9 pip
conda activate schema

# install torch and dependencies, assumes cuda version >= 11.0
pip install -U pip
pip install torch torchvision --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
pip install mlflow pyrallis pandas tqdm pillow

# install hyperparameter search dependencies
pip install ray[tune] hyperopt

# install dl-schema repo
git clone https://github.com/phelps-matthew/dl-schema.git
cd dl-schema
pip install -e .


  • Download and extract the MNIST dataset
cd data
python create_mnist_dataset.py
  • Train small CNN model
python train.py
  • View train configuration options
python train.py --help
  • Train from yaml configuration, with CLI override
python train.py --config_path train_cfg.yaml --lr 0.001 --gpus [7]
  • Start mlflow ui to visualize results
# navgiate to dl_schema root directory containing `mlruns`
mlflow ui
# to set host and port
mlflow ui --host --port 8080
  • Serialize dataclass train config to yaml, outputting train_cfg.yaml
python cfg.py

Hyperparameter Experiments

  • Use ray tune to perform multi-gpu hyperparameter search
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python tune.py --exp_name hyper_search