DataXY is a framework to collect relevant information about user's location to better fit its needs.
Android SDK >= 21 (Android 5.0+)
DataXY granted with
DataXY needs to be granted with
An authentication ID (contact support if you don't have one)
To access DTS Repository add the following configuration in your project build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username '${YOUR_USER_NAME}'
password '${YOUR_PASSWORD}'
url ""
In your gradle file dependencies section add :
dependencies {
implementation 'com.mappy:data-xy:+'
You must provide the authentication ID at startup (contact support if you don't have one)
DataXY.initialize(context, <your_locationId>);
DataXY.initialize(context, <your_client>, <your_locationId>);
Add the following piece of code DataXY.onRequestPermissionsResult(context)
in order to init the framework as soon as the permission is granted
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
Set Application Version Name send to the server
By default, it's the version of project.
Refer to samples in Data XY samples
to learn how to use the data XY SDK.
With GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) it is important to be able to enable or disable the data XY SDK. To do so, on user choice change, just call
Enable send location for your server
DataXY.enableServerTier(context, enable);
By default, the server is disabled.
And set the url of your server, the url must be in https
DataXY.setUrlServerTier(context, url);
You can have a second server if you want, by using
DataXY.enableServerTier2(context, enable);
By default, the server 2 is disabled.
and set the url of your server, the url must be in https
DataXY.setUrlServerTier2(context, url);
If you enable Profiling or Studying, the locations will be send to the server
Enable profiling
DataXY.enableProfiling(context, enable);
By default, it's disabled.
Enable studying
DataXY.enableAnonymousStudiesLog(context, enable);
By default, it's disabled.
You can add custom consent in url, this consent is a pair of key / boolean
DataXY.addConsent("myconsent", true);
If you want remove a custom consent added just call
To clear all custom consent
DataXY.configure(context, configuration);
The parameter configuration is an object
new Configuration.Builder()
.enable(true) // true or false
.setInterval(time) // interval time in milliseconds
.setMinimumPoints(100) // minimum number of points needed to send to the server
.setMaximumIntervalConfigure(1000) // interval in milliseconds before forcing sending
.build()); // build object
- Technical support:
- Commercial support: