
Integrates devices on the I2C bus and 1-Wire devices as a native resource

Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Device Controller

This project provides a unified interface for communicating with I2C, SPI and 1-Wire devices. It supports a wide range of sensors, LED panels, servo drivers, and other devices. The controller can automatically detect known devices on the bus and provide access to these devices through a standard JSON-based API.


  • JSON-Schema: All devices define a JSON Schema that can be fetched to enable easy integration of devices for read or write
  • Unified JSON-based API: All devices can be accessed and manipulated using a standard API, which exchanges data in JSON format.
  • Device Loading: Known devices are automatically loaded and made ready for interaction.
  • Generic I2C Device Entries: Each detected device is represented by an I2CDeviceEntry instance, which holds all necessary information for interacting with the device.
  • Generic SPI Device Entries: Can load and access SPI Devices and access by a SPIDeviceEntry instance.
  • 1-Wire Device Entries: Scans and autoloads any 1-wire device found within the filesystems namespace
  • I2C Bus Scanning: The controller can automatically scan the I2C bus to detect connected devices.

Device Configuration

SPI Device Configuration

This document describes the configuration parameters for an SPI device using the deviceConfig map.

Example Configuration

        Map<String, Object> deviceConfig = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        // Required for SPI Bus Configuration
        deviceConfig.put("spiBus", "0"); // Can be 0 to 6
        deviceConfig.put("spiChipSelect", "0"); // Either 0, 1 or 2
        deviceConfig.put("spiMode", "0");    // Can be 0 to 3

        // Device Specific configuration
        deviceConfig.put("resolution", "12");
        deviceConfig.put("channels", "8");
        Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("Mcp3y0x", deviceConfig);

Configuration Parameters

The deviceConfig map contains the following parameters for the SPI device:


  • Type: String
  • Description: Specifies the SPI bus number. This parameter determines the specific SPI bus to which the device is connected.
  • Example: "0"


  • Type: String
  • Description: Specifies the chip select (CS) address of the device. This parameter determines the specific CS address to which the device is assigned.
  • Example: "5"


  • Type: String
  • Description: Specifies the resolution of the SPI device. This parameter determines the number of bits used for digital representation in the device.
  • Example: "12"


  • Type: String
  • Description: Specifies the number of channels available on the SPI device. This parameter determines the number of independent input or output channels supported by the device.
  • Example: "8"


To configure an SPI device, you can use the configureDevices method provided by the SPI device manager. Pass the configuration map as an argument to the method.

Example usage:


Sample Website Usage

Before using the controller, make sure all your I2C devices are connected correctly.

  1. Start the Controller: Use the provided script to start the controller.

  2. Scan the I2C Bus: The controller will automatically scan the I2C bus and load all known devices.

  3. Access Devices via the API: You can access and manipulate devices using the provided API. Data is exchanged in JSON format.

  4. Add More Devices: You can add support for more devices by implementing the I2CDeviceEntry interface and adding the new device to the controller's known devices.

    For example, to read data from a device:

    curl http://localhost:8080/device/i2c/read?address=0x28

    This would return a JSON object with the device's data:

        "data": {
            "temperature": 25.6,
            "humidity": 45.2

Known Devices



Sensors Manufacturer Description Functionality Datasheet
DS3231 Maxim Integrated Real-time clock - Provides accurate timekeeping and calendar functions Datasheet
AM2315 Aosong Temperature and humidity sensor - Measures ambient temperature and humidity Datasheet
AM2320 Aosong Temperature and humidity sensor - Measures ambient temperature and humidity Datasheet
AS3935 AMS Lightning sensor - Detects and provides information on nearby lightning activity Datasheet
BH1750 ROHM LUX sensor - Measures ambient light in lux Datasheet
BMP280 Bosch Sensortec Pressure and temperature sensor - Measures atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature Datasheet
BNO055 Bosch Sensortec 9-axis absolute orientation sensor - Provides precise orientation, acceleration, and magnetic data Datasheet
INA219 Texas Instruments High-side current sensor - Measures high-side current and voltage Datasheet
PMSA003I Plantower Particulate matter sensor - Detects and measures particulate matter in the air Datasheet
TLS2561 Texas Instruments Digital light sensor - Measures ambient light intensity Datasheet
DFRobot Gas Sensors DFRobot Gas detection sensors - Detects various gases such as Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Alcohol, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Ozone, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Hydrogen Chloride, Chlorine, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Phosphine Datasheet
LPS25 STMicroelectronics MEMS pressure and temperature sensor Measures barometric pressure Datasheet
LPS35HW STMicroelectronics MEMS pressure and temperature sensor Measures barometric pressure Datasheet

Output Devices

Device Manufacturer Description Functionality Datasheet
PCA9685 NXP 16-channel PWM controller Controls up to 16 channels of PWM output Datasheet
Adafruit 7-Segment Adafruit I2C Quad Segment Alphanumeric LED Display Displays alphanumeric characters and symbols Product Page
Adafruit Alphanumeric Adafruit I2C Quad Alphanumeric LED Backpack Displays alphanumeric characters and symbols Product Page

Storage Devices

Device Manufacturer Description Functionality Datasheet
AT24C32/64 Atmel 4KB or 8KB serial EEPROM Can read or write 4K or 8K data Datasheet



Device Manufacturer Description Functionality Datasheet
MCP3004 Microchip 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter - 4 channels Converts analog signals to digital with 10-bit resolution Datasheet
MCP3204 Microchip 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter - 4 channels Converts analog signals to digital with 12-bit resolution Datasheet
MCP3008 Microchip 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter - 8 channels Converts analog signals to digital with 10-bit resolution Datasheet
MCP3208 Microchip 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter - 8 channels Converts analog signals to digital with 12-bit resolution Datasheet


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