
Converts LAZ/IMU data to rosbag1 to run with FastLIO and others.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tools to Convert Mandeye Data to ROSBag

This repository contains a simple tool that enables the conversion of Mandeye data to ROSBag.


To build the tool, follow these steps:

  1. Create a ROS1 workspace:
mkdir -p ~/mandeye_ws/src
  1. Clone the repository:
cd ~/mandeye_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/michalpelka/mandeye_to_bag.git
  1. Initialize third-party repositories:
cd ~/mandeye_ws/src/mandeye_to_bag
vcs import --input livox.repos 
  1. Initilize sumbodules
cd ~/mandeye_ws/src/mandeye_to_bag/mandeye_to_rosbag1
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ~/mandeye_ws/src/mandeye_to_bag/FAST_LIO
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build the workspace:
cd ~/mandeye_ws


To convert Mandeye data, run the following command:

rosrun mandeye_to_rosbag1 mandeye_to_rosbag /media/michal/F318-56A3/continousScanning_0000 /home/michal/testPalka.bag

Make sure to replace /media/michal/F318-56A3/continousScanning_0000 with the path to your Mandeye data and /home/michal/testPalka.bag with the path to your desired output ROSBag file.

Using the Tool with FAST-LIO

To use the tool with FAST-LIO, follow these steps:

  1. Launch FAST-LIO in the first terminal (make sure that your workspace is sourced):
roslaunch fast_lio mapping_avia.launch 
  1. Play the converted ROSBag in the second terminal:
rosbag play /home/michal/testPalka.bag

Note: Replace /home/michal/testPalka.bag with the path to your converted ROSBag file.