A perspective computer scientist and an enthusiastic Graphic & uiux designer! I am passionate about new challenges. I love to explore new things. l love to add creative and unique ideas to world through designing. I have worked on many projects like:
Library Managament system
Book store
Learning Managament system
Web pages
Personal Website
Background Generator app - That changes the background color while clicking on the button.
Api integration in Flutter
Personal portfolio in flutter
Validation in Signup forms in flutter
Beautiful cards in flutter
Revenue and expenditure record in flutter
Also, I am a UIUX designer. I have designed several apps::
Fooderia app - Where user can order food and can pay bill online.
Music app - A music app where songs can be added and new playlist can be created.
Googleclass room app - A classroom app where teacher can create class and add assignmnets stuff and course guidelines and student can join that particular classroom using class code given by teacher.
As, I am an aspiring graphic designer. I made several iilustration:
Professor illustration
Text Logos
Vector Logos
Facial illustration
Animated characters
Musci Poster
Social media posts
Vector eye
Badshahi mosque
Minimal design- cane
Galaxy design
Quote posts
Quaid birthday posts
I am working as graphic designer in many societies:
Graphic lead in GDSC
Graphic designer in AnZ tourism
Graphic designer in USS
Graphic designer in 360 Muslim expert
Former Interne in Software Hub Pro