
Trying to implement an LSTM for sales prediction as part of my capstone project. I am not going to use the sales data only but also other features such as day of week, holiday or not etc. Seeing on the keras documentation here tried to create a pseudocode on how the actual structure will look like as the documentation for keras is not the most detailed/explanatory out there would like some insightson my understanding.

code is created based in

The sample is for text prediction and not numerical so some changes have been made where thought to be necessary.

I am mostly concerned about:

The overall structure The arguments in: lstm_out = LSTM(units = 4, activation = 'sigmoid', input_shape = (None, 2)) and The arguments in: auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(9,), name='aux_input')) The way I am compiling and fitting the model

the whole pseudocode is in

Would really appreciate some feedback promptly.