
Manually writing bit stream encoding and decoding of custom types can be cumbersome and error prone. When decoding values, the decodes must be ordered exactly the same way as they where encoded. Also when using smaller numbers of bits to encode the objects, one must use the exact same number of bits when decoding.

This package aims to eliminate the need to write manually the decoding and encoding of variables of custom types by automatically generating the encode and decode routines. Each variable, for which one wishes to customize the coding behaviour, is annotated with annotations that make it clear what bounds of a given variable is and how many bits it will be encoded with. The programmer only needs to think about how many bits they want or need to use and the macros will automatically deal with the coding.


This macro can be used to write the encoding/decoding boilerplate of a class, struct or an enum. For example the following struct

struct CustomObject {
    @CompressedFloat(min: -128.0, max: 128.0, bits: 20)
    var x: Float
    @CompressedDouble(min: -128.0, max: 128.0, bits: 20)
    var y: Double
    @CompressedInt(min: 0, max: 2000)
    var level: Int
    @CompressedUInt(min: 0, max: 3000)
    var subLevel: UInt
    @BoundedArray(maxCount: 64)
    var array: [Float]

will expand to

struct CustomObject {
    @CompressedFloat(min: -128.0, max: 128.0, bits: 20)
    var x: Float
    @CompressedDouble(min: -128.0, max: 128.0, bits: 20)
    var y: Double
    @CompressedInt(min: 0, max: 2000)
    var level: Int
    @CompressedUInt(min: 0, max: 3000)
    var subLevel: UInt
    @BoundedArray(maxCount: 64)
    var array: [Float]
    public init(from stream: inout ReadableBitStream) throws {
        let __xCompressor = FloatCompressor(minValue: -128.0, maxValue: 128.0, bits: 20)
        self.x = try &stream)
        let __yCompressor = DoubleCompressor(minValue: -128.0, maxValue: 128.0, bits: 20)
        self.y = try &stream)
        let __levelCompressor = IntCompressor(minValue: 0, maxValue: 2000)
        self.level = try &stream)
        let __subLevelCompressor = UIntCompressor(minValue: 0, maxValue: 3000)
        self.subLevel = try &stream)
        self.array = try 64)
    public func encode(to stream: inout WritableBitStream) {
        let __xCompressor = FloatCompressor(minValue: -128.0, maxValue: 128.0, bits: 20)
        __xCompressor.write(self.x, to: &stream)
        let __yCompressor = DoubleCompressor(minValue: -128.0, maxValue: 128.0, bits: 20)
        __yCompressor.write(self.y, to: &stream)
        let __levelCompressor = IntCompressor(minValue: 0, maxValue: 2000)
        __levelCompressor.write(self.level, to: &stream)
        let __subLevelCompressor = UIntCompressor(minValue: 0, maxValue: 3000)
        __subLevelCompressor.write(self.subLevel, to: &stream)
        stream.append(array, maxCount: 64)
extension CustomObject: BitStreamCodable {

An enum

enum Payload {
    case connection(ConnectionPacket)
    case disconnect
    case reconnect(Int)
    case validation(Int)

will expand to

enum Payload {
    case connection(ConnectionPacket)
    case disconnect
    case reconnect(Int)
    case validation(Int)

    internal enum CodingKey: UInt32, CaseIterable {
        case connection
        case disconnect
        case reconnect
        case validation
    public init(from stream: inout ReadableBitStream) throws {
        let codingKey = try as CodingKey
        switch codingKey {
        case .connection:
            self = .connection(try
        case .disconnect:
            self = .disconnect
        case .reconnect:
            self = .reconnect(try
        case .validation:
            self = .validation(try
    public func encode(to stream: inout WritableBitStream) {
        switch self {
        case .connection(let connectionObject0):
        case .disconnect:
        case .reconnect(let reconnectObject0):
        case .validation(let validationObject0):
extension Payload: BitStreamCodable {

@CompressedFloat and @CompressedDouble

These macros can be applied on Float/Double properties to compress them

public macro CompressedFloat(min: Float, max: Float, bits: Int)

public macro CompressedDouble(min: Double, max: Double, bits: Int)

The min and max parameters indicate the minimum/maximum values that the property can have. Parameter bits determines how many bits are used when encoding/decoding the variable.

@CompressedInt and @CompressedUInt

These macros can be applied to FixedWidthInteger types, depending on if they are signed or unsigned, to use as few bits as possible in their encoding

public macro CompressedInt(min: Int, max: Int)

public macro CompressedUInt(min: UInt, max: UInt)

The parameters min and max are used to calculate the required number of bits to use.


This macro can be used to explicitly state how many bits are used in the encoding/decoding. This can be applied only on unsigned integer types, i.e. UInt, UInt64, UInt32, UInt16 and UInt8.

public macro NumberOfBits(_ bits: Int)

The bits parameter determines how many bits are used.

@CompressedFloatArray and @CompressedDoubleArray

These macros can be applied on Float/Double arrays to compress the elements as if each element was annotated with @CompressedFloat/Double.

public macro CompressedFloatArray(min: Float, max: Float, bits: Int, maxCount: Int)

public macro CompressedDoubleArray(min: Double, max: Double, bits: Int, maxCount: Int)

See above about parameters min, max and bits. The parameter maxCount is used to indicate the maximum amount of elements the array can/will contain.

@CompressedIntArray and @CompressedUIntArray

These macros can be applied on integer arrays to compress the elements as if each element was annotated with @CompressedInt/UInt.

public macro CompressedIntArray(min: Int, max: Int, maxCount: Int)

public macro CompressedUIntArray(min: UInt, max: UInt, maxCount: Int)

See above about parameters min and max. The parameter maxCount is used to indicate the maximum amount of elements the array can/will contain.


This macro can be applied on any type array whose elements either conform to BitStreamCodable or are primitive types.

public macro BoundedArray(maxCount: Int)

The parameter maxCount is used to indicate the maximum amount of elements the array can/will contain.


This macro can be applied only on byte arrays i.e. [UInt8]. This uses a more optimized method to encode/decode byte arrays from bit streams.

public macro Bytes(maxCount: Int = 1 << 29)

The parameter maxCount can be used to indicate the maximum amount of bytes the array can/will contain. You can also just write @Bytes and it will use the default argument.


This macro can be applied on any stored property to indicate that it should be skipped when doing bit stream encoding/decoding.

public macro SkipBitStreamCoding()