
A simple method to create events from a JavaScript file, receive them in the Python file and then retrieve them in the JavaScript file

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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A simple method to create events from a JavaScript file and receive them in the Python file

Normally there's no need to modify but if you've found a way to improve it or a fix to an error, let me know

What is it ?

This is a simple method to create events from a JavaScript file, receive them in the Python file and then retrieve them in the JavaScript file

How to download the files

To download the files you can clone the repository or download the .zip folder.

How to run the program

To run the program, open a terminal and type. Change index.js by the name of your JavaScript file if you changed it.

node index.js

The Result

In the terminal, you will see different logs which are the functions I already added as a demonstration. If everything is working fine, you should see

Data received from python : Arguments associated with this event -> Magic Note This is the event named :  CreateNewCustomFile

Data received from python : lorem ipsum abracadabra Meeska Moska Mickey Mouse 21

These are the 2 events from index.js with their corresponding functions in Python in main.py. The first one creates a new .txt file with a name based on the first of the arguments of the event, and 2 other ones for the content :

  • argument 1 -> "Magic Note" ( the name of the file to create )
  • argument 2 -> "This is the event named : " ( first of the 2 strings composing the text file )
  • argument 3 -> "CreateNewCustomFile" ( the last of the 2 strings composing the text file )

And the second one returns a log with the differents arguments from the event inside :

  • argument 1 -> "Meeska Moska Mickey Mouse"
  • argument 2 -> "50" ( which is a value determining the maximal range of the random integer )


The part below will describe how to use the code

JavaScript part

This is the part of the program in index.js, you can find the whole code in the file aswell as the comments

The function in the file index.js named sendEvent handle the events of the program.

Normally there's no need to modify but if you've found a way to improve it or a fix to an error, let me know

function sendEvent (name, args){
    // Define the array and add the default values
    spawnerArgs = ['./main.py', `${name}`]

    // Check if the event contains arguments
    if(typeof args  !== 'undefined' ){
        // Add every arguments to the array "spawnerArgs"
        args.forEach(element => {
        // If it doesn't contain any arguments, do nothing
        console.log("Doesn't possess args")

    // Add the event and its arguments from "spawnerArgs" and the receive part
    python_process = spawner('python', spawnerArgs)
    python_process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
        console.log('Data received from python :', data.toString())

Then, you can send events in from the JavaScript file using the method

Don't forget to put the arguments inside of an array. You can add more than 2 arguments by adding a coma and entering the name of the next argument


Python part

This part is for the code in main.py

This is the most important part of the python file. The variable event receives the event from the JavaScript file and gets its second argument ( this is a part of index.js )

['./main.py', 'STRING - EVENT NAME']

Then, the array args will save the arguments of the event, it'll save only after the second element ( another reference to index.js, this part has been automatized )

                                  ^^^^                    ^^^^
python_process = spawner('python', './main.py', 'STRING - EVENT NAME',  [ 'STRING - ARGUMENT 1',  'STRING - ARGUMENT 2'])
                                                                          ^^^^                    ^^^^
# Import sys
import sys

# Define the name of the event, it's the second argument
event = sys.argv[1]
# Define every arguments after the name of the event in an array
args = sys.argv[2:]

To add the python code of the events, you can create a function corresponding to the event and add it the number of arguments you registered previously in index.js

sendEvent('CreateNewCustomFile', ['Magic Note','This is the event named : ','CreateNewCustomFile'])

and add in the Python code in main.py

def CreateFile(fileName, stSentece, ndSentence):
    with open(f'{fileName}.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write(f'{stSentece} {ndSentence}')
    return print(f'Arguments associated with this event -> {args[0]} {args[1]} {args[2]}') 

Then this function will be triggered by this part in main.py, you can add the arguments of the event here

if event == 'CreateNewCustomFile':
    output = CreateFile(args[0],args[1],args[2])

