
Deprecated, visit: https://github.com/Marahin/moor2 || Simple door to Medium API - moor

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This project is deprecated. Current, maintained and serverless (https://zeit.co-based instance) can be found here: https://github.com/Marahin/moor2


pipeline status

Medium Door - moor is a WWW proxy that fetches data from given URL (bypassing CORS and while(1) anti-JSON-hijack trap).

It was primarily created for fetching data from Medium-based blogs, where you do not have any kind of API, and instead you must retrieve data like Mediums' frontend does: from %PATH%/?format=json. There were two caveats though:

  • CORS did not allow requests from non-medium-dot-com domain,
  • it begins with ])}while(1);</x>

For that moor has come to life.

Use cases → How can I use it?

That's up to you. I use it on my website to get my latest post title and link :-).


For the maximum performance I suggest reverse proxy-ing to the application through nginx or varnish - basicly any reverse proxy that allows caching.

In my case nginx helped me achieve following performance (sample requests):

request without cache with cache
#1 2610ms 2140ms (cache initialization)
#2 1340ms 8.16ms
#3 1710ms 1.03ms
#4 872ms 0.59ms
#5 2330ms 0.89ms
#6 1080ms 0.93ms


This section covers only moor installation. It is highly advised to put moor behind a cached reverse proxy to get maximum performance. Sample nginx virtual host configuration file can be found here.

Docker container


  • Clone the repository and run make docker-run,
  • or run docker run -d -p 7999:7999 --name ${MOOR_DOCKER_NAME} -i moor-image yourself.

Manual (build yourself!)

  • clone the repository,

Without Docker

  • make build
  • run it with ./moor.bin

With Docker

  • make install
  • make sure that you can see moor in docker ps |grep moor



In order to prevent malicious requests from third parties there is CORS support implemented. By default all requests are allowed (*)!

In order to set CORS domains use MOOR_ALLOWED_ORIGINS environment variable, with each origin separated with ',', for instance: export MOOR_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=marahin.pl,marahin.dev.

Ignored endpoints

You can set ignored endpoints (ones that will NOT be fetched) in generic_definitions.go.

Blocked characters amount

Blocked characters amount is the amount of characters that prefix the JSON output. It's default value can be seen in moor/generic_definitions.go but you can also overwrite it using MOOR_BLOCKER_CHARACTERS_AMOUNT environment variable (as seen in moor/http_client.go).


GET address_to_your_moor_instance[:7999]/URL_ENCODE(URL_TO_FETCH)


If you wish to contribute send a PR either on GitLab (primary source tree) or on GitHub.
I should get notified by e-mail then, if I don't respond however, feel free to get in touch with me (you can learn how on marahin.pl).