Project Overview

Welcome to the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) project in the Deep Learning Nanodegree! This project provides a pipeline that can be used within a web or mobile app to process real-world, user-supplied images. Given an image of a dog, the algorithm will identify an estimate of the canine’s breed. If supplied an image of a human, the code will identify the resembling dog breed.

Sample Output

Project Instructions


  1. Download the dog dataset. Unzip the folder and place it in the repo, at location path/to/dog-project/dogImages. The dogImages/ folder should contain 133 folders, each corresponding to a different dog breed.

  2. Download the human dataset. Unzip the folder and place it in the repo, at location path/to/dog-project/lfw. If you are using a Windows machine, you are encouraged to use 7zip to extract the folder.

  3. Make sure you have already installed the necessary Python packages according to the README in the program repository.

  4. Open a terminal window and navigate to the project folder. Open the notebook and follow the instructions.

    	jupyter notebook dog_app.ipynb

(Optionally) Accelerating the Training Process

If your code is taking too long to run, you will need to either reduce the complexity of your chosen CNN architecture or switch to running your code on a GPU. If you'd like to use a GPU, you can spin up an instance of your own:

Amazon Web Services

You can use Amazon Web Services to launch an EC2 GPU instance. (This costs money, but enrolled students should see a coupon code in their student resources.)