
Simple project to use pac4j with Spring Security and Keycloak SAML as SSO

Primary LanguageJava


Simple project to use pac4j with Spring Security and Keycloak SAML as SSO

Build app

To build app:

$ mvn clean package

Deploy war file

To start web server with builded web archive you can use Payara Micro, for example v.

$ java -jar payara-micro- --deploy pac4j-spring-keycloak.war

Run Keycloak server

To start Keycloak server, you can use Wildfly Swarm Keycloak server, for example v.2017.1:

$ java -Dswarm.port.offset=100 -jar keycloak-2017.1-swarm.jar

Import Keycloak realm

You must import new realm 'saml-demo': upload 'src/main/resources/saml-demo.json' to form: http://localhost:8180/auth/admin/master/console/#/create/realm

Also, for client with name 'http://localhost:8080/pac4j-spring-keycloak/callback?client_name=SAML2Client' of realm with name 'saml-demo' you must import keys from 'src/main/resources/samlKeystore.jks':

http://localhost:8180/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/saml-demo/clients -> Choose Client ID 'http://localhost:8080/pac4j-spring-keycloak/callback?client_name=SAML2Client' -> SAML Keys.

Signing Key import

Archive Format: JKS
Key Alias: pac4j-demo
Store Password: pac4j-demo-passwd
Import File: 'src/main/resources/samlKeystore.jks'

Encryption Key import

Archive Format: JKS
Key Alias: pac4j-demo
Store Password: pac4j-demo-passwd
Import File: 'src/main/resources/samlKeystore.jks'


If you open http://localhost:8080/pac4j-spring-keycloak/secured, you must be redirect to Keycloak auth form. After you fill it with 'admin'/'password', you must be redirected to http://localhost:8080/pac4j-spring-keycloak/secured.