
Simple web-app for welcome auth users

Primary LanguageJava

Simple webapp for welcome auth users on Tomcat

Application use container managed security provided by Tomcat. Authentication information stored in a HSQLDB database (app use JDBCRealm), with JDBC URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/authusers, in table "users", with fields "user_name", "user_pass", "role_name". Liquibase servlet listener create this table on deploy.

If user have role welcome-webapp-user, he can access /welcome page.

Builded web archive path: build/welcomeauthwebapp.war.

Integration test

Integration test use embedded Tomcat v.8.0.38, in-memory HSQLDB v.2.3.4, and HTMLUnit v.2.18.

Before running integration test you must ensure, that:

  1. Working directory of embedded Tomcat (by default /var/tmp) can be created and deleted by user, that run this test.
  2. Embedded HSQLDB can listen port 9001.
Integration test steps:
  1. Go to /welcome page URL.
  2. Check redirect to /sign-in page.
  3. Fill /sign-in form, send that form.
  4. Check redirect to /sign-in page with label of wrong credentials.
  5. Click on the link and go to /sign-up page.
  6. Fill /sign-up form, send that form.
  7. Check redirect to /welcome page with sended username.
  8. Click to the button and go to /sign-out page.
  9. Check redirect to /sign-in page with sign-out label.

To run integration test:

$ mvn verify