
Deep CNN on Android

Primary LanguageC++


Download the models below, extract and copy them onto mobile devices and set the link in DeepSense App to load them.

VGG-F Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_GMfaURPvQDQk9sU3FHdU1sUzA/view?usp=sharing

Yolo Tiny Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_GMfaURPvQDZVVFMnBXQUU3X2s/view?usp=sharing

The app is configured to work on Samsung Galaxy S7 with Mali GPU, if you need to run it on Adreno-based devices

    1. copy the appropriate shared libraries (libllvm-qcom.so and libOpenCL.so) from distribution/opencl/lib/armeabi-v7a/Adreno-Android5 OR distribution/opencl/lib/armeabi-v7a/Adreno-Android6 into distribution/opencl/lib/armeabi-v7a
    1. comment out Mali-shared library in app/CMakeLists.txt and uncomment Adreno shared library

To run the app

    1. Download and extract the model
    1. Put the whole model's directory onto device's storage
    1. Change the path in MainActivity.java
    1. Run :)

Enjoy DeepSense