
Primary LanguageHTML


  • In this exercise, you will understand how to use Git and GitHub, as well as learn the general git work flow @ TEKcamp.

Exercise Pre-reqs :

  1. Download Git and install on your machine
  2. Create a GitHub account


Exercise Instructions

  • Copy the html and css from the following codepen and paste it in the new cloned folder. Create two files for the html and css, index.html , and index.css
  • Create a new file using the command line called notes.txt
  • Add some text to the notes.txt file.
  • Create a new branch called html-branch
  • Move the html & css file to the html-branch and leave the notes.txt file in the master branch
  • Add three <p> tags with "lorem ipsum" paragraph text to the html file, which should now be on the html-branch. You can find "lorem ipsum" at the following link : https://loremipsum.io/
  • Save your changes, then add, commit and push your files up to the html-branch repository on github. Make sure you add a descriptive message for your commit.
  • Refresh your repository on GitHub to make sure your file was uploaded and the html-branch was updated.
  • Create another branch called text-branch
  • Move the notes.txt from master to the text-branch. The master branch should now be completely empty at this point, aside from the README file and the data.json file.
  • Check the status, add, commit and push your changes to the text-branch. Make sure you add a descriptive message for your commit.
  • Add 3 additional lorem-ipsum paragraphs into the notes.txt file which should now be on the text-branch.
  • Commit and push your additional changes to the text-branch on GitHub. Make sure you add a descriptive message for your commit.
  • On GitHub, verify that the master branch only has the README.md file and the data.json file with nothing else. Verify that the html-branch only has the index.html and index.css files and the text-branch only has the .txt file. Submit a pull request for both the html-branch and the text-branch to be merged into master. Add your TA as a collaborator for both Pull Requests (PR).



(not graded, but made available for your development as a developer. ⛰)

  • The instructions for the optional exercise is on another branch of this repo. Find those instructions.
  • connect the index.html and index.css files so the css styles are being applied to the html document.


Git Instructions

  • Create a template copy of this repository by clicking : "Use this template"
  • Name the repository the same name as the master template repository.
  • Add your TM as collaborator
  • Clone YOUR repo to your local computer
  • Add, Commit, and Push changes to the branches specified in the exercise instructions.
  • When ready for your TM to review, open a Pull Request (PR) and add your TM as a collaborator.