Site now live at
The source code and all helper scripts and notebooks for the Skill Advisor project. Includes independent data retrieval code, Spark analysis code, and web frontend code.
- Shaunak Amin
- JeanMarc Ruffalo-Burgat
- Pierce Smith
- Enter the city in which you wish to work
- Enter the (CS) skills you know (for optimal results enter 1-4)
- The site will tell you want other languages you should learn based on what you know and what is seen in job postings in the area you wish to work.
- An example would be, if you entered the city Fort Collins, and the skills: Java and Javascript. You would find in job postings in that area that include both of those keywords the most common keyword to also appear is Python
- The site will also map out all the jobs in that city that include the keywords you entered, with a link and job description.
- mount data files using
hadoop fs -put
- navigate to root project directory
- edit
to reflect the mounted data files - execute
More details in the Spark Analytics section.
data.json, 1.17gb, ~200k jobs
- Scripts and Jupyter notebooks used to perform the following tasks can be
found in
- Indeed provides a public api to query for jobs
- A query was constructed with variables for the query type and city
- Using the JN `Scraping? Indeed! we loop over every programming language and city and query the api
- The jobs were de-duped using the jobkey value see Unique Job Keys JP
- The api only returns a snippet of the description so we would need to query the indeed site directly to grab this data
- Indeed's api does not RL requests, so grabbing jobs was relatively simple however the Indeed site sent capcthas to any IP that sent 100 consecutive requests
- If requests were limited to 1 per 10s this bypassed the 100 request/ip limit but would be too slow.
- Using nordvpn's command line abilities, a bash script was created to send 100 requests to grab the job descriptions then change the vpn connection
- A list of avaible nordvpn servers can be found at
- The bash script can be found at which called the python file
- This new approach was much faster and all 200k job descriptions were grabbed in ~28 hours (compared to 504)
- To complete the dataset the job descriptions would need to be added to the json grabbed from the api
- This simple proccess was completed in the JP Add desc to jobs
- The resulting dataset was 1.17 gb of ~200k CS jobs from around the world
The source code for all Spark analytics is found within the src
Analysis was done using PySpark and the PySpark SQL / PySpark MLLib libraries.
: This is the main script that is submitted to the cluster by
: This module loads data in from HDFS, processes and persists this data (including tokenizing job descriptions), then runs a correlation task for every city in the
: This module is used to format and tokenize the job descriptions. Punctuation is removed, words are set to lowercase, text is split on spaces, and then everything is trimmed to a subset of
: This module performs FP-Growth on formatted job descriptions, outputting a dataframe full of correlations that is later saved as a .csv by
To run this on your own cluster, first mount the data, including the Indeed
jobs dataset, list of cities, and list of langauges, to HDFS.
should then be edited to reflect where you mounted each
file. By default, all data should be mounted under /home/sa
, with the
following names:
- job dataset:
- city file:
(yes, unfortunate typo) - keyword file:
When the job is finished, you will find the output .csv files, one for each
city in the city file, within /home/sa/out_b_csv
All source code for the website frontend can be found in /local_html