
Piece of individual code that is used to go through a bunch of invoices (as PDF) from one of our customers to fetch the Invoice number and the amazon order number. Output is using CSV-file.

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


For the latest version see here: https://github.com/Marc-Bender/Amazon-Factoring-Programm/releases/latest

Piece of individual code.

It's used to go through a bunch of invoices (as PDF) from one of our customers (online-seller).

It fetches the Invoice number and the Amazon-Order-Number from the PDF-files.

It outputs a CSV-file containing a table showing the Amazon-Order-Number for each Invoice number (if present).

Language: German

Programming Language: Visual Basic .Net (WPF-App)

Prerequisites: needs the tool pdftotext.exe (from the miktex package)

What I learned:

  • basic use of github :-)
  • how to make a basic Progress Bar in VB
  • something about the different types of File-Dialogs
  • a lot of minor stuff (because i have not used Visual Basic in like 5 years)