KoinBot is a Discord bot used to fetch and display cryptocurrency data with a focus on speed. It currently makes use of the serenity rust wrapper for the Discord API and the CoinGecko API for fetching cryptocoin market data.
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Koinbot has 100 slash commands (currently the Discord limit). There are 2 basic categories;
/{coin-name} (eg. /bitcoin) | Exists for the 99 most popular coins
/niche {coin-name} (eg. /niche arb protocol) | For every other niche coin
Options are extra, optional arguments that can be passed to each command.
currency | Allows the user to select their preferred currency. 25 of the most popular currencies are available (currently the Discord limit of enum-type options)
graph | Allows the user to select one of 2 graph types, either Line or OHLC.
Goal | Status | |
Various currencies | Complete | ✅ |
Localization support | Not Started | 🟠 |
UI Tweaks | Not Started | 🟠 |
NFT Support | Not Started | 🟠 |