
Use .net Client for the dockerized RavenDB Database

Primary LanguageC#


Use .net Client for the dockerized RavenDB Database and monitoring with RavenDb.Studio



$ docker run -p 8080:8080 ravendb/ravendb:ubuntu-latest https://hub.docker.com/r/ravendb/ravendb/

.Net 6

Install-Package RavenDB.Client -Version 5.3.2

Monitoring with RavenDb.Studio (Dashboard)

  1. Run Docker Container
  2. Open in browser (localhost:8080)
  3. Agree End-User License Agreement
  4. At the moment choose Unsecure-security-layout
  5. Insert docker container ip-adress (shell: docker inspect "container-name" // e.g docker inspect sleepy_swartz) Leave the default parameters for HTTP Port and TCP Port
  6. Next, and restart server
  7. Reopen localhost