
Experiment with the Reinforcement tequnice applied to the snake game in a pygame environment

Primary LanguagePython

Snake Reinforcement AI Python

Experiment with the Reinforcement tequnice applied to the snake game in a pygame environment


Python, Pygame and PyTorch

(Deep) Q Learning


Q Value = Quality of action 0. Init Q Value (= init model)

  1. Choose action (model.predict(state))
  2. Perform action
  3. Measure reward
  4. Update Q value (+ train model)
  5. Repeat 1.

Bellman Equation

Update Q-Value using the Bellman Equation

NewQ(s,a) = Q(s,a) + α[R(s,a) + φ*maxQ'(s',a') - Q(s,a)]

  • NewQ(s,a).. New Q value for that state and that action
  • Q(s,a)... Current Q value
  • α... Learning rate
  • R(s,a).. Reward for taking that action at that state
  • φ... Discount rate
  • maxQ'(s',a')... Maximum exprected future reward given the new s' and all possible actions at that new state

Q = model.predict(state0) Qnew = R + φ * max(Q(state1))

Loss Function for optimization

Mean squared error: loss = (Qnew - Q)^2

Reinforcement model


  • eat food: +10
  • game over: -10
  • else: 0


  • [1, 0, 0] -> straight
  • [0, 1, 0] -> right turn
  • [0, 0, 1] -> left turn

State (information about the game-environment) are booleans

  • danger straight / danger right / danger left [0,0,0]
  • direction left, direction right, direction up, direction down [0,0,0,0]
  • food left, food right, food up, food down [0,0,0,0]