
This project is a Tic-Tac-Toe game developed with React and TypeScript, and uses Vite for project development and building. You can check the result here: TicTacToe

Project Structure

The project is organized into several files and directories:

  • src/App.tsx: This is the main component of the application.
  • src/components/: This directory contains the React components used in the application, including Board.tsx (the game board), Square.tsx (an individual square on the board), Turn.tsx (displays the current turn), and WinnerDialog.tsx (displays a dialog when there is a winner).
  • src/constants.ts: This file contains constants used throughout the application.
  • src/logic/: This directory contains the game logic, including board.ts (the game board logic) and storage/index.ts (the logic for storing and retrieving the game state).
  • src/main.tsx: This is the entry point of the application.

How to Run the Project

To run this project in your local environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Run npm run dev to start the Vite development server.
  4. Now you can access the URL indicated in the terminal to see the application in action.

How to Build the Project

To build this project for production, run npm run build. This will generate an optimized version of the application in the dist directory.