
tn3270 Terminal Emulator

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a trimmed down version of the dm3270 emulator to be used as TN3270 client library.

In particular it removes all references to JavaFX (which is not required to use code as lib and is not included by default in some OpenJDK distributions), and keeps only logic for simple terminal interaction. Additionally it includes some basic refactor (not too deep refactor to keep some traceability to original code) to simplify code.


To use the library is required JRE8+.

To use the emulator as maven dependency include in pom.xml:


Check latest version in releases.

And then use provided API. An example of such usage can be found in TerminalClientTest.


To build the project is required JDK8+, maven 3.3+.

Then just run mvn clean install and the library will be built and installed in the local maven repository.


To release the project, define the version to be released by checking included changes since last release and following semantic versioning. Then, create a release (including v as prefix and -lib as suffix of the version, e.g. v0.1-lib), this will trigger a Travis build which will publish the jars to the created github release.