Data Analysis Project — Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree
This project belongs to Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree. Below you'll find the rest of the Nanodegree projects and I also wrote a short post in my blog about the course experience.
ℹ️ This project was developed in 2017 during the Nanodegree and it is no longer maintained. If you'd like to see what I'm currently working on, please, visit my now page.
This project studies the relation between the raw components (input variables) of wine samples and its final taste, evaluated by experts. In other words, it will help uncover the hidden recipe for the perfect wine making.
The data set consists of 1599 observations and 12 variables (13 if you count X, which is merely a numeration). 11 of them are input variables, measurements from each wine sample. The last one is the output variable, a score between 1 and 10, that measures the wine quality determined by each critic.
The project was built with:
- R
- ggplot2
The repository is structured as it follows:
— main file containing the R code and the plot descriptions.project.html
— knitted html file from the R code.wineQualityReds.csv
— raw data set.