SPOTlight: Seeded NMF regression to Deconvolute Spatial Transcriptomics Spots with Single-Cell Transcriptomes

This repository contains all the scripts notebooks and reports to reproduce the analysis of our paper SPOTlight: Seeded NMF regression to Deconvolute Spatial Transcriptomics Spots with Single-Cell Transcriptomes. Here we describe which data we used, how to access it, the most important packages and versions used, and how to navigate the directories and files in this repository.


All the data used for this study was publicly available at the Gene Expression Omnibus or through the pertinent web locations. The data in this project can be divided by tissue as well as by modality.

Mus Musculus Brain



Package versions

These are the versions of the most important packages used throughout all the analysis: CRAN:

Docker environments

Docker environments with all the pertinent dependencies are available at dockerhub.

To download the R environment image

# R environment
docker pull marcelosua/spotlight_env_r:latest

To download the R studio image

# Rstudio environment
docker pull marcelosua/spotlight_env_rstudio:latest

File system

This repository contains 3 main analysis directories, each corresponding to the 3 main analysis of the paper. Scripts within each folder are numbered in the order they are to be run.